Best wishes for 2010 !

Dear readers, I wish you all the best for this new year with its magical name two thousand and ten!
I shall be honest with you: I’m happy 2009 is over.  It was a stormy year for most people, I think.  But this year I feel there is going to be a fresh wind and the doom and gloom of last year will disperse.  For the time being, let’s celebrate at least that we survived another year 🙂

Miracle Tutorials broadens its horizon

Content management
After some consideration, I decided to broaden our subject and look into rich content in its bigger context from now on, because I get quite a few questions about content management systems these days. Which system to use for what purpose?  I will primarily focus on Joomla and WordPress because they both cover a large spectrum of needs.

Accessibility and mobiles
As video is becoming a norm, we need to address accessibility issues as well.  After all, we do not want to exclude people from our content, do we?  And that includes mobiles, my friends!
If your site is accessibility friendly, it is mobile friendly too.  No need for a separate mobile site.
I will publish a series of tips and tricks on this issue.

Video and audio
For the rest, we will keep you posted on video channels, video software and the works, like we always did since 2 years.

There is quite a lot of content obsolete on this site because technology and situations change all the time.
For instance: the series “How to create your own video channels” will need to be rewritten completely.
Therefore, you will see quite a few older articles being edited and shown on the front page again.
I’ll keep you posted in the newsletter about these changes.

Have a great year, folks! 🙂

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